
In addition to being prepared to live lives of active faith and service within faith communities, 我们的毕业生已经准备好迎接世界的挑战, and their diverse career paths, in thoughtful and creative ways.

Our graduates work at Genesis Health System, in ministry, as community advocates and religion teachers. 


Ambrose Advantages

  • 根植于天主教的知识传统
  • 优秀的项目,优秀的师资
  • Challenge Your Perspective

Campus shot

Students in Beehive

St. Francis

我们的神学院挑战你发展更广阔的视野, preparing your to address cultural, social, 个人和职业生活中的政治和神学挑战.



What will I learn?

我们的课程涉及当代神学问题, ethics and moral life, prayer, spirituality and worship, 以及专门的主题,如圣经和正义, women theologians, 以及犹太人和黑人的经历.

课程包括介绍圣礼, moral issues, theology and religion, Old Testament, and New Testament; the history of Christianity; theologies of liberation; Jewish literature; the Torah; peace and justice in comparative religions; and reconciliation and peacebuilding in Northern Ireland.


Committed Faculty
Our Faculty are very available. They have regular meetings with theology majors over dinner, movie nights, and other discussions. They will know who you are, what you want to do, and will be a resource for you for years to come.

Double major or Minor
你的神学学位是一个很好的配套专业. 我们有学生把神学和社会学结合起来, communications, nursing, pre-OT, pre-physical therapy, and more.

Study or serve in another country
当你主修神学时,你可以出国留学. 学生们告诉我们,这些旅行改变了他们的生活, their outlook on the world, 以及他们毕业后想做什么. View locations

If you are adventurous with a deep personal drive to act and seek to be immersed in countries and cultures outside of your own, our Peace Corps Prep program will help you gain the intercultural skills you need for a life-changing service experience. This program makes you a stronger candidate for volunteer positions within the Peace Corps or other service programs.

雇主看重你在和平队获得的技能和文化世界观, and best of all, 大多数学生不需要额外的课程就能获得和平队证书.

Faith in Action
我们给你在教会工作的机会, human services agencies, educational organizations, and advocacy programs. SAU coordinates service trips to Appalachia and inner-city shelters to work with the less fortunate.

The Quad Cities community is an active supporter of the environment and for peace and justice. You can get involved with churches and affiliated groups and associations such as the Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) Coalition, Quad-Citians Affirming Diversity, Churches United, and River Action.


有了神学学位,你可以直接进入牧师的工作. We have graduates who teach religion, work in parishes, and serve in other types of ministry.

Many theologians pursue careers in social services or graduate studies in social work, theology, theater, and other areas.


Ana Kelsey-Powell '15 is the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Court Street Methodist Church in Rockford, Ill.

Joseph Norris '12 is the 特派团一体化和区域道德主任 at Mercy Medical Center in Dubuque. After Ambrose, Joseph earned master's degrees at Saint Louis University and Aquinas Institute of Theology.

Patrick Schmadeke '13 is the director of evangelization at the Diocese of Davenport


Lisa Powell, PhD, Professor and Chair

Mara Adams, PhD, Professor
Matthew Coomber, PhD, Professor
Robert Grant, PhD, Professor
Ella Johnson, PhD, Asst. Professor
Rabbi Henry Karp, Adjunct Professor
Micah Kiel, PhD, Professor
Michele Petersen, Lecturer

Degree Requirements




+THEO 100 Just Theology
+THEO 110道德问题导论
+THEO 120基督教信仰简介
+THEO 130圣经介绍
THEO 499 Senior Seminar

+THEO 140 Historical Theology
+THEO 241 Ambrose of Milan
THEO 306 Medieval Women Mystics
+THEO 344 Rome and Christianity

至少三个学分从以下领域:系统神学, Biblical Theology, Moral Theology, Spiritual/Pastoral Theology

Systematic Theology:
+WI-THEO 321解放神学
+WI-THEO 322教会:它的意义和使命
+THEO 323 Problems of Faith
+THEO 325 Models of God

Biblical Theology:
+THEO 332符类福音的神学
+THEO 333保罗书信:语境中的神学
+THEO 334 Apocalypse: Then and Now
THEO 336 The Bible and the Arts
THEO 338政治思想中的圣经
THEO 339希伯来预言:行动中的神秘主义

Moral Theology:
+THEO 310 Social Justice
+THEO 311 Environmental Ethics
THEO 319 Bioethics and Health Care

Spiritual/Pastoral Theology:
THEO 303痛苦/同情/治疗
THEO 305基督教婚姻神学
THEO 306 Medieval Women Mystics


+THEO 100 Just Theology
+THEO 110道德问题导论
+THEO 120基督教信仰简介
+THEO 130圣经介绍
THEO 499 Senior Seminar
One course from three of four areas: Moral, Systemic, Biblical, or Spiritual/Pastoral Theology

Minor in Theology (15 credits)

+THEO 100 Just Theology

Scholarships and Grants


St. Ambrose offers excellent scholarships and grants, work-study and other financial aid options! Full-time students may be eligible based on your strong academic performance in college, your talent in fine arts or athletics or your demonstrated financial need as determined by the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). SAU的FAFSA学校代码是001889.


Merit-Based Scholarships

4.0 GPA: $24,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $22,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $20,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $18,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $14,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.入学所需的额外文件和审查.

Merit-Based Scholarships

4.o GPA: $17,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $16,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $15,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $14,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $13,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.入学所需的额外文件和审查.


Pell-eligible Iowa residents, learn more here

Fr. Welch Alumni Scholarship: $500 per year
Parent is a St. Ambrose graduate

Catholic Traditions Scholarship: $1,000 per year
Students with Catholic religious denomination or plans to graduate from Catholic high school 

Minority Scholarship: $500 per year
Ethnically diverse student

Athletic Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability

Fine Arts Scholarships: varies

信仰学习正义校园事工奖学金: $2,000 per year
Recognition of involvement in church and community service and interest in strengthening faith and growing as a leader in campus ministry

奖学金由未加权的GPA决定, 并且是可再生的四年本科学生. Increases in scholarship awards due to change in GPA will be reviewed until March 1.


Grants are money that you don't repay, and they can come from government or private sources. SAU receives all financial aid funds directly - including loans and grants - then applies them to your account: once in the fall term and once in the spring term. 助学金可以用来支付你的学费、书本费和住宿费. 你必须每学年申请助学金. 如果你有任何贷款资金超过你的成本,你可能会收到退款. 如果你是第一次借款者,你的第一次付款有30天的延迟. 对于所有这些补助金,您必须完成免费申请 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) as soon as it is available.

Iowa Tuition Grant
To be eligible for the Iowa Tuition Grant, you must be a resident of Iowa as defined by the State Board of Regents and currently enrolled or planning to enroll in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible Iowa college or university (SAU is eligible). 爱荷华大学援助为爱荷华人提供基于需求的大学经济援助, such as the Iowa Tuition Grant.
Award: $7,500 maximum

Federal Pell Grant
Awarded to students of the highest need based on how much your family can contribute to your education. The U.S. 教育部设定了一个门槛. Then, when you file your 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA), it computes where you land within that threshold and determines if you qualify for the grant and for how much.
Award: $6,895 maximum

You must file a FAFSA to qualify for a Pell Grant. 此补助金以先到者为准, first-served basis to students who have submitted all required documents for review and in time for the review to be complete. 如果你有资格获得佩尔助学金或SEOG, 这些奖项将出现在你的经济援助奖励信上.
Award: $400 maximum

Federal Work Study
Must secure campus employment.
Award: $2,560

Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant 
Provides aid to students intending to teach in a high-need field at a school that serves low-income families (as determined by the U.S. 教育部或州教育机构). 查看标准和所有细节.
Award: up to $4,000

Outside Scholarships

有很多机会从外部来源获得奖学金, 这里有几个网站,你可以开始研究你的选择:

另一个建议:下次你在学校的时候,看看外面的公告牌 Student Financial Services 我们在哪里张贴更多的传单和申请外部奖学金.


这项奖学金是为圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台是为了纪念克莱门特和玛丽·邓恩而建立的, cousins to Reverend Edmond Dunn, 他在圣. Ambrose for more than 35 years. 他鼓舞了一代又一代的可以买滚球的正规平台人. Dunn continues to be an active presence on campus and a champion for peace and social justice. The scholarship can to be awarded to students involved in intellectual formation and majoring in theology.

Scholarships of $1,000 to $2,000 are available to students who want to study theology at St. Ambrose University. If you would like to be considered for a 克莱门特和玛丽·邓恩教会奖学金, 请与系主任联系.

Isabel Watts '19

Isabel's St. 可以买滚球的正规平台的教育和经历改变了他. In four years, she grew from her self-description of "naive" to an educated and dedicated social justice advocate who knows who she is, for what she stands, 以及她所拥有并将追求的无限潜力. In December 2019, Isabel graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology degree and a second major in Theology.

Read her story
Joe Norris Headshot mobile size Joe Norris Headshot

Joe Norris

Bachelor of Arts in Theology,特派团一体化和区域道德主任, 慈善迪比克和慈善健康网络,Class of 2012

Nurturing SAU professors who genuinely cared about Joe helped pave the way for him to earn graduate degrees in theology and healthcare ethics. He is using his education to serve and guide others as 特派团一体化和区域道德主任, 慈善迪比克和慈善健康网络.

See My Story

Apply Visit Info


Lisa Powell, PhD, Chairperson

Theology Department
Lower Chapel
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? Click on the visit button below to learn more about our virtual and in-person visit options.