

Your academic journey is about so much more than just studying a major.

这就是为什么SAU就业中心准备了主要地图. 他们会帮助你探索, 准备, 和 Take action during your college years so that when you leave St. 可以买滚球的正规平台, you are fully-prepared to confidently take the path toward w在这里ver life leads you.

另外, these maps will help start 和 guide the conversations you'll have with your academic advisor.

If you have any questions, use the contact information on the right.


不管你的专业是什么,你 可以 graduate in four years with some planning 和 a vision to reach that goal.

St的每个专业. Ambrose has mapped out a suggested, 4-year Plan to 研究生; you 可以 find it under 学位要求.

西班牙语 这个专业我能做什么?



These are the skills 和 abilities employers said they want their employees to have:

  • 批判性思维/解决问题:获得能力, 解释, 运用知识, 事实, 和 data in this process; demonstrate originality 和 inventiveness
  • 口头/书面沟通: Has public speaking skills; is able to express ideas to others; write/edit memos, 信, 复杂的技术报告清晰有效
  • 团队合作/协作: Ability to work within a team structure 和 negotiate 和 manage conflict
  • 数字技术: Demonstrates effective adaptability to new 和 emerging technologies
  • 领导: Assess 和 manage his/her emotions 和 those of others; use empathetic skills to guide 和 motivate; organize, 优先考虑, 委派工作
  • 专业/职业道德: Demonstrates integrity 和 ethical behavior; acts responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind; able to learn from his/her mistakes
  • 职业生涯管理: Navigate 和 explore job options; underst和s 和 可以 take the steps necessary to pursue opportunities; underst和s how to self-advocate for opportunities in the workplace
  • 全球/跨文化流利:表现出开放性, 包容, 灵敏度, 和 the ability to interact respectfully with all people 和 underst和 individuals' differences



•结帐 这个专业你能做什么啊
•看看这个专业的其他同学在哪里 实习过保护就业
•一定要回顾这些 额外的职业资源
•仍然不确定这是否是正确的道路? 进入职业中心,Rogalski二楼, 在预约时间内
•使用 BeeConnection to ask alumni questions about their field or request job shadowing or observation hours
•查看这些图书馆资源 西班牙语专业


• Develop a resume, cover letter, 和 LinkedIn profile your first year at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台,并在你的大学生涯中不断更新, 参加工作坊,并在…期间审查你的文件 就业中心的预约时间
•看看这份简历 template样本 对于你的专业
•参加 招聘会预备周, to practice interviewing 和 polish your resume 和 LinkedIn profile as early as possible in your college career
•参加 网络 & 礼仪的晚餐 (offered every other year) for dining etiquette 和 网络 tips. 专家们一致认为,80%的工作都是通过社交网络找到的
•参加一个 薪资谈判工作坊 在你毕业之前,这样你可以更好地谈判
•参加一个 求职/实习策略研讨会
•使用虚拟工具练习面试技巧 大面试


•开始寻找 实习 or full-time employment at least 1 semester prior to when you would like to be employed  
•电话(563-333-6339),电子邮件(careercenter@sau).edu)或前往Rogalski中心的就业中心, 2号楼, so we 可以 schedule you an appointment with a Career Advisor who will give you some tips 和 connect you with an alumnus in your field to coach you through the internship or job search
•参加我们的 招聘会 寻找实习和全职的机会
•采取 EXPL 202, 免费的1学分P/F课程, for additional 实习 you obtain - you should start looking for 实习 your sophomore year



●参加 俱乐部的节日 to find out about all of the great opportunities to join clubs or organizations on campus w在这里 you 可以 gain skills that will be applicable to your future career
●考虑在校内工作 工作学习(如果符合条件)或临时职位. Check the openings on BeeCAREERS to see if t在这里 are openings in the following positions related to your major:  


●加入正规买球平台有哪些组织,比如the 四城西班牙裔商会
●参加学生组织 西班牙俱乐部, 多元文化事务正规买球平台有哪些行动(MACA), 和拉丁美洲公民联盟(LULAC)
● 申请成为宿舍助理 你将在哪里学习如何计划和执行编程, 面对冲突情境, 拥抱多样性, 培养终身的关系
●申请成为一名 同行的助理 to act as a student co-instructor with a full-time faculty or staff member for New Student Seminar w在这里 you will further develop your communication skills
●申请成为一名 明星 w在这里 you will share your university experiences with new students 和 parents during orientation 和 hone your problem solving 和 communication skills



•参加 城市暴跌 your first year of college 和 continue volunteering at the site throughout your college career
•结帐 志愿者匹配 in Davenport, IA to learn more about opportunities that match what is most important to you
考虑参加a 服务访问 春假期间. Previous trips have been to: Appalachia, northern Mississippi, East St. 路易斯,克利夫兰和芝加哥市中心
•参与 蜜蜂之差日 in the fall or CommUNITY day in the spring w在这里 we help families in area neighborhoods prepare their yards for the seasons
• 探索 a different service activity each week with the 校园部 office 和 their Service on Saturday opportunities. Check out the 校园部 bulletin in your email for the details for that week.



•探索 留学门户网站 to learn about the many different study abroad opportunities in Spain 和 Latin America that are approved by the 西班牙语和拉丁语研究 Department.
•调查你的户外活动资格 奖学金 帮你支付出国留学的费用. If you are a Pell Grant recipient, for example, you are eligible for the 吉尔曼奖学金.
•看是否 和平队预备 这个项目很适合你.


• Discuss with your academic adviser how to fit study abroad into your academic program.
•与工作人员会面 国际教育中心 为留学申请流程做准备
•完成 留学预算计划工作表 (pdf),并与 财政援助办事处 如何使用你的经济资助出国留学.


主修或辅修一门外语, 国际研究, or 国际 Business in order to broaden your global perspective.
你什么时候出国留学? 完成你的 留学申请 和 spend a break or an entire semester abroad doing coursework, an internship, or volunteering.
•参与 多元文化周活动 每年春天.
•了解更多关于St. 可以买滚球的正规平台国际学生 by joining the BeeFriends program or the 国际 Student Organization.



•看看其他什么 研究生课程 St. 可以买滚球的正规平台的学生也参加了
•探索不同的研究生院项目 在这里
•查看网站上的大学排名 U.S. 新闻与世界报道
•确保你正在考虑的课程获得了认证 检查这个数据库
•参加 I-74研究生会 提出问题,探索选择


In addition to the items listed in the sections above under prepare for your future career, 你应该: 

•参加一个 个人陈述工作坊
•退房 备考书 从SAU图书馆找到的
•结帐 学习快线图书馆 更多的考试准备策略和练习测试.
• Ask for your 信 of recommendation early in the application process
•参与 二、研究 你的大三.  GPA必须达到3分.5以上.
• Practice your interview skills in person by scheduling a mock interview with a career advisor or virtually using the 大面试


• 研究生 school applications for some programs are due as early as December. Make a list of all the schools you would like to apply for 和 check their application deadlines 和 requirements your junior year.
•申请至少6个专业(其中2个你知道你会被录取), 2 .你认为你会被录取, 和你梦想中的两个节目——根据唐纳德·阿舍的说法, 《可以买滚球的正规平台》作者)


你准备好下一步了吗? Click on the visit button below to learn more about our virtual 和 in-person visit options.